Securly Sync
  • 21 Aug 2024
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Securly Sync

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Article summary

The Securly Sync tab contains settings that enable syncing roster data from any SIS that is connected to Securly Sync.


Securly Sync is a centralized rostering solution to manage data for all your Securly products, including Classroom.

Securly Sync supports connection through OneRoster, Direct API connection, PowerSchool integration, and custom connections including SFTP if needed. It replaces Clever rostering, but retains Clever SSO. It can also replace or supplement Classlink while retaining Classlink SSO.

You may choose to edit the following sync options:

Use this integration as a source for UsernameWhen enabled, Securly Classroom will automatically pull usernames from the SIS that is connected to Securly Sync.
Auto create locations from roster dataWhen enabled, the sync process will automatically create new locations in Securly Classroom based on data found on the roster import. If not selected, all classes from the sync will be created in the Main Location.
Create Device Console accounts for AdminsDuring sync the system can automatically create Device Console user accounts for users identified in the "admin" role by the incoming sync.
Assign Administrators to roleWhen the option to import Admins is selected, this setting allows incoming users of role "admin" to be assigned to the selected role in Securly Classroom.

Notes on using Securly Sync

  • Any teacher found on an incoming class roster will automatically be created as a Securly Classroom user with the "Teacher" role in Securly Classroom.
  • You do not need to use Securly Sync in order for integrations with other Securly products (such as Securly Pass and Securly Filter) to function properly. The only necessary information needed in both systems is user emails, as these emails must match to properly sync data and actions.

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