Site Lock
  • 21 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Site Lock

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Article Summary

Site Lock allows the teacher to lock students to a single web site, or a group of sites. This tool is available when a class session is active.

Site Lock.png

Site Lock can be applied to an entire class, or individual students.

To apply Site Lock to individual students, select the students by checking the check boxes in the upper left corner of their student card prior to clicking the Site Lock button.

To apply Site Lock to the entire class, click the Site Lock button with no students selected.

The Site Lock sidebar will allow you enter a single site, or choose one or more web links.


To use Site Lock for a single site, enter the site's URL in the URL field. You also have additional options you can choose to apply.

DescriptionIf the Add to web links option is checked, you can enter a description for the new web link here.
Add to web linksSelect this option if you want to save this site as a web link for future use with Site Lock or Push URL.
Force to close other tab(s)This option will close all other open tabs on the student devices when the Site Lock starts.
Allow entire site(s)Use this option if the URL for the site you are opening contains a path to a specific page on the site and you wish to allow the student to browse to other pages on the site during the session. If this option is not checked, only the exact page entered in the URL field will be allowed, with the exception of any "dependencies" for web links that have been configured to have them.
Auto-release after X minutesAutomatically end the Site Lock after a certain number of minutes.

Site Lock will automatically release for all students when the class session ends.

You can also select Web Links to choose one or more existing web links to lock student devices to. You can also choose a Collection of sites, represented by the folder icon, to site lock to all sites in the collection.


You can type in the search bar to find a specific web link or collection. Next to this, you will see a dropdown menu that allows you to choose whether to see just your web links, or all web links in the school.


If you are running a class that is synced from Google Classroom or Canvas, you'll also see a Google Classroom or Canvas option. This option will display a list of all Classwork from the associated Google Classroom or Canvas class. Just as you can with web links, you can select multiple. You can also use the dropdown next to the search bar to filter by resource type. If you don't see a resource, click the refresh icon to refresh the list.

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