  • 03 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Add User

To add a new user, click Add User. There are two options for adding a new user, manually or via CSV upload.


Add Manually

To add a new Observe user manually, click Add User, then Add Manually.


Here, you can enter the user’s role, what schools they will be assigned to, the email they will use to log in, and their name.

Add via CSV

To bulk upload users to Observe, click Upload CSV and then upload the CSV file. A sample CSV is provided on the same screen which can be downloaded, modified and uploaded to Observe.


Edit user

To edit a user, select the user you want to edit and edit the fields from the sidebar that is displayed.

Delete User

To delete a user from Observe, go to the Users menu and select the user you want to delete. Then click the Delete button that appears in place of the search/filter bar.



There are three roles a user can be in Observe.

  • Admins are district-level administrators who can manage all Observe settings for all schools in your district.
  • Managers are school-level administrators who can manage Observe settings for individual schools. Managers can be assigned to multiple schools. You would use the Manager role for student support staff who need to access data in Observe.
  • Observers are regular school staff users. Observers’ primary use of the software is to use the observation form to submit observations about students. It could be a teacher, staff member or any other person that the school wants to let make observations. Observers can also be assigned to multiple schools. Observers can only view observations that they have made.

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