Viewing Student History
  • 30 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Viewing Student History

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Article summary

Student history is available from the following places:

  • By going to the Users menu, Rostered Students tab, then selecting a student.
  • During class, by clicking the history icon from tab view or thumbnail view.
  • From the Classes menu, Session History tab. In this view you can view history for the class session, then click on a student to view that student's specific history events for that class session.

Accessing student history from Rostered Students

Go to the Users menu, Rostered Students tab, then select a student. Browsing history, saved screens, and chat history for past class sessions are accessible from this view. Browsing history is only provided during times a class session is active.

Accessing student history during class

History is accessed during a class by clicking the student options menu in the upper right corner of the student card, and then selecting History. In detail view, the icon is accessible from the right hand sidebar.


Site history, saved screens, and chat history for the current class session are accessible from this view.

Accessing student history for a specific class session

Student history is available after a class session has ended from the Session History tab in the Classes menu. Teachers will see their own classes listed, while admins will see all classes.

Select a particular session to view history specific to that class session. Site history, saved screens, and chat history for that specific class session are accessible from this view.

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