Managing different types of passes
  • 18 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Managing different types of passes

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Article summary

Click on the pass badge at the bottom of a student’s card to view what time the pass started, the destination where they are going, and the pass status.


Active pass

An active pass can have three statuses. Any pass that exceeds a time threshold set by the school will be displayed with a yellow tag.


The “On the way” status is shown when the origin teacher approves a pass request.

The “Arrived” status is shown to the origin teacher when the destination staff confirms that the student has arrived. Students can be marked as “Arrived” by clicking the “Arrived” button on their notification.


The “Returning” status is shown to the origin teacher when the destination staff clicks the “In/out” or “Return student” button on their notification.

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Ended pass


The “Pass ended” status is shown if the pass is ended, either by the student or the origin teacher, or if the destination teacher selects End & keep, meaning that the student will not return to the origin class.
The “System ended” status is shown when the system automatically ends the pass based on a time threshold set by the school.


An auto-pass is a pass that can be started or stopped by a student. Even though this pass can be started by the student, a pass request will be sent to the teacher.


If a student self approves the pass, the label ‘A’ will be displayed beside the time to indicate when the student started the auto-pass and vice versa.



Teachers can also start or stop this pass, but in those cases the pass will be treated as an ordinary pass and will not have an “Auto-pass” tag.

Appointment pass

The appointment pass feature is a great way to arrange and track student visits at specific times, such as a parent-teacher meeting or a regular meeting with the school infirmary. Once an appointment pass is set, it will be displayed five minutes prior to the start time on the teacher’s screen within Classroom.


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