  • 03 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

The Settings menu consists of five tabs:

  • General
  • Observation types
  • Location & Grades
  • Schools
  • Configure form


This tab let you configure if Observations should be integrated into any other Securly products, including Aware, Respond, and On-Call.

Observation types

On the Observation types tab, schools choose which observation types to show on the observation form.


Schools can choose from a range of observation categories to be displayed, such as bullying, violence, or hygiene. If your school does not wish to capture certain types of observations in Observe, you can disable them. This will not affect existing records of observations.


Select the Observation type you want to show or hide, then click the show or hide icon that appears in place of the search/filter bar.


To edit the description click the Observation type.

Locations & Grades

Observations can happen anywhere. This tab lets you create a list of grades in your school and also identify locations such as gym, hallways, school bus, cafeteria, etc. that can be included in the Observation form in the form of a dropdown.


For ease of use, it’s best to keep locations general rather than specific. Observers can specify an exact location in the description if it is relevant to the observation.

Add/Edit location

To add a new location click the + icon and input the name.
To edit a location, click the name of the location and edit it from the sidebar displayed.

Delete location

To delete a location, click the name of the location and click the Delete button which appears in place of the search bar.

Add/edit grades

To add or edit a grade, scroll down on the Location & Grades tab and click the + icon to add a new grade.
To edit, click the name of the grade and edit it in the sidebar that appears.

Delete grade

To delete a grade, select the grade and click the Delete button which appears in place of the search bar.


In this tab, you can add your district’s schools so that observers can report their incidents accurately.

Add/edit schools

To add or edit a school, click the + icon to add a new school.

To edit, click the name of the school and edit it in the sidebar that appears.

Delete school

To delete a school, select the school and click Delete that appears in place of the search bar above.

Configure form

This tab allows you to configure the observation form that observers will use to submit information. It includes multiple required fields. You may edit the help text on some of the required fields, but they cannot be fully omitted from the form.

Location and Grade are provided as optional fields and you can choose to include both or one of them.

Custom fields are completely editable, and can be mandatory or optional. You can create up to three custom fields.

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